Calendar of Events


Let’s Take a Look

Every Third Wednesday of the Month.

May 15, 2024
12:00 pm through 2:00 pm

Let’s Take a Look takes place the third Wednesday of each month from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. During this time, curators from The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture and The Laboratory of Anthropology are in the lobby of MIAC to look at your treasures. The curators will attempt to identify and explain any artifact or historic object presented to them. They prefer to work with objects from the Southwest but are willing to take a look at anything that is brought in. If they cannot identify an object an attempt will be made to find someone who can. Sometimes, the discussion among the curators may become as much or more informative than the identification of the artifact. 

The event is always FREE and open to the public, but please note Federal and State regulations prohibit  the monetary appraisal of objects.